Rocco – Arthroscopy and shoulder stabilisation

⚠️ Warning: Surgical photos. ⚠️
Arthroscopy and shoulder stabilisation
Rocco was present to Dr Pierre Barreau with forelimb lameness.
He was admitted for a shoulder arthroscopy. The joint was inspected, and a tear of the cranial aspect of the subscapularis muscle tendon was present. No other lesions could be detected. The joint was flushed with saline.
Surgery to stabilise the joint was then performed. RVN Louise scrubbed in to assist Dr Pierre with the surgical procedure. A hole was drilled just cranially to the spine of the scapula and just distally to the humeral head. A tight rope device was inserted in to the holes, first on the humerus and then on the scapula. The prosthesis was tightened on the distal button while keeping the humerus in slight adduction. The joint was surgically stabilised.
Rocco will be need to be kept rested for 6 to 8 weeks, and a full recovery is expected.
1-3: The tear of the cranial aspect of the subscapularis muscle tendon during the arthroscopy.
4-6: The tight rope device being placed.
7: The tight rope in place on a radiograph.


Charlie Spearing