
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh.

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Jack – A Soft Tissue Surgery Case Study

Jack, a 10 year old Jack Russell Terrier had a large left-sided rib tumor (suspected to be an Osteosracoma or Chondrosarcoma.) This mass was invading into the chest/thoracic cavity and causing collapse of the left lung. He had fluid build up in the chest cavity (pleural effusion), causing him to have difficulty in breathing (dyspoenia) and cyanosis (insufficient oxygenation). Initial diagnostics were via CT Scanning of the Chest & Abdomen…

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Louie the Maltese Terrier – A Case Study

Louie was a tiny 1.6kg Maltese Terrier that was brought in to the Out of Hours clinic (transferred from a local clinic) after he was attacked by a fox. He was shaken and bitten several times around the chest & abdomen. Findings: Louie had collapsed and in shock after being attacked by a fox. He had laboured breathing and abdominal palpation not possible as he was showed to be in pain around thorax…

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Angus’ Orthopaedics

Gorgeous Angus was suffering from carpal instability so had “Carpal Arthrodesis” surgery with Matthieu to support the joint after he ruptured his ligaments. The surgery fixes the joint in one position and so Angus needed to have 6 weeks cage rest after surgery – but is now doing well although we did have a battle with him to keep his bandages in place – he kept taking them off! Never try telling…

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Here for you over the Holidays…

The Christmas period is traditionally a time when many companies wind down and take a break from work. Many companies work ‘holiday hours’ which means reduced opening hours and/or a smaller team of staff on duty. The Veterinary Referral and Emergency Centre however, is a specialist partner with your primary vet so not only are we available for referral specialist consultation over the holidays, we offer a full Emergency Out…

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Eric visited us here at The Veterinary Referral Centre to see one of our mobile clinicians Elise Robertson. Eric had chronic nasal discharge and right sided epistaxis (nose bleeds). A nasal mass was suspected; visible in the lower of the three images. This handsome gent was kindly rescued by Croydon Animal Samaritans, but quickly won the hearts of Elise and our team.Elise anaesathised Eric and performed a Rhinoscopy to  examine his nasal…

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A Lovely Testimonial Following Gucci’s The Poodle’s Trip To The Veterinary Referral Centre

“We are so very grateful for all the help and kindness shown by The Veterinary Referral Centre, specifically Hannah the vet and Laura. I was beside myself with worry over our toy poodle Gucci. She was terribly ill and my husband and I thought we may lose her to Pancreatitis. Our case was handled with complete professionalism and with such speed. We will always be thankful and appreciative of the…

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Harry The Cat’s Emergency Trip To The Veterinary Referral Centre

Harry, a 7-year old male neutered Domestic Short Haired cat presented as an emergency with a two day history of progressive weakness and abnormal behaviour several days after a reported cat fight. Our neurologist, John Parker, assessed Harry and found that he appeared depressed, occasionally fell to the left and was borderline ambulatory. The postural reactions were delayed in all four limbs (worse on the left). The spinal reflexes were…

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Wonderful Feedback From Figaro’s Owner, Nigel

“Thank you so much for the referral to the Veterinary Referral Centre in Godstone.  We took Figaro there immediately after you arranged an appointment and their treatment of him was outstanding.  The professionalism of the staff and the care provided was extraordinary. Bernard Walsh and his fantastic team kept us fully informed at all times during the course of Figaro’s treatment and took the time to clearly explain what was…

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Penny The Bouncy Boxer

Penny, the very bouncy Boxer was an overnight guest after having a severe ventricular episode at the end of October. Alex, one of radiology interns can be seen carrying out an ultrasound of her abdomen. His magic touch means that she is having this done fully conscious and without being held. Penny is now doing well and back home with her very relieved owner but the string vest is not a fashion…

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A Lovely Review Of Our Service From Mrs Vigor and Molly

“What a fantastic service, so pleased with how our Jack Russell Molly was taken care of & how the vet explained what was wrong with her & the treatment required going forward. Everyone there was just so caring & just turned around what we had thought was going to happen to our dog, we can’t thank you enough, & we wish you every success in your new location”.

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