Mr Biggles – CT and Laryngoscope investigations
CT and Laryngoscope
Mr Biggles was presented to Dr Kaye Gugich and Dr John Parker after he started sneezing and having seizures at home. It was advised to start him on antibiotics for 1 week to see if the sneezing was a bacterial infection, but he had another seizure over the weekend.
Dr Kaye performed a CT and laryngoscope on Mr Biggles to check for any infection or any other causes of the sneezing episodes. Apart from a few dental issues, no other abnormalities were present.
On recovery, Mr Biggles had another seizure. Dr John has advised we stabilise Mr Biggles and perform an MRI on his brain at the end of the week, to see if any abnormalities show on those scans.
We will keep you updated on his progress! Just look at that face