Here for you over the Holidays…

The Christmas period is traditionally a time when many companies wind down and take a break from work. Many companies work ‘holiday hours’ which means reduced opening hours and/or a smaller team of staff on duty.

The Veterinary Referral and Emergency Centre however, is a specialist partner with your primary vet so not only are we available for referral specialist consultation over the holidays, we offer a full Emergency Out of Hours service 24/7 to ensure that if you need urgent care for your pet outside of normal practice hours, there is an immediate option available to you.

Using our Emergency Centre for out of hours care has the added benefit of on-site access to our state of the art equipment and team of experts in the unfortunate event that your pet needs specialist expertise and because we partner with your primary vet, our team will feedback directly to your vet to ensure that they remain fully informed all of the way.

It’s always reassuring to have a contingency plan to depend on. So depend on The Veterinary Referral and Emergency Centre – we will be fully staffed 24/7 over the holiday period so if your pet needs us, we are there for you.

Contact us here.


Nikolai Bailey

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh.